Toilet Rebate Form – English
Formulario de reembolso para inodoros – Español
A high-efficiency toilet can save you water and money. Rockwood Water offers its customers a $50 rebate when they replace a toilet that uses 1.6 gallons per flush (gpf) or more with a new WaterSense labeled toilet. To earn the WaterSense label, toilets must use no more than 1.28 gallons per flush (gpf) and meet rigorous performance criteria.
WaterSense Toilet Rebate Program Eligibility and Requirements:
- Purchase a WaterSense toilet. For a complete list of approved models, visit:
- Complete and submit a WaterSense Toilet Rebate Form (Formulario en español disponible aquí) within one (1) year of purchase. Sales receipt specifying toilet brand/model and proof of recycling of old toilet if applicable.
- You must be a Rockwood Water People’s Utility District customer which owns the property where the new toilet is being installed or obtain the signature of the property owner on the WaterSense Toilet Rebate Form. You must receive water from Rockwood Water and your account must be active and in good standing.
- Each rebate is worth $50; up to 2 rebates per single-family residential account and up to 3 rebates per commercial customer account.
- Rebates are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The program will end when funds are depleted for the current fiscal year budget or no longer funded.
Note: WaterSense Toilet Rebate Forms that are incomplete, lacking required documents, or missing a signature will be returned. Rockwood Water is not responsible for items lost or delayed in the mail.