AMI (Automated Meter Infrastructure) is coming to Rockwood!

Beginning July 2024, Rockwood Water PUD will begin a multi-year project to replace and upgrade more than 13,000 water meters in the District. These upgraded meters are a key component for the implementation of an Automated Meter Infrastructure (AMI). AMI enables Rockwood Water staff to remotely read water meters.

Benefits to AMI include:

  • Improve efficiency of meter reading by eliminating errors and re-reads
  • Provide useful information to our billing staff that can be used to better serve our customers
  • Fuel cost savings due to fewer staff trips to read meters
  • Customer leak detection and leak alerts
  • Reduce the need to estimate bills due to inclement weather

Meter upgrades will be performed by clearly identifiable Rockwood Water District employees. Employees will attempt to contact someone at each home, as meter upgrades require an interruption of water service, typically not more than 30 minutes. If we are unable to reach you between the hours of 7am-5pm Monday -Friday, a door hanger will be left at your door indicating the date of the meter replacement. Upon completion, staff will attempt to flush water through an accessible hose bib at the front of the property to verify meter operation and remove air from the plumbing. If there is not an accessible hose bib, you may experience a small amount of air in your plumbing until it has been relieved through normal use.

Condition of Customer Owned Line

Staff will visually inspect for leaks on the public and private piping inside the meter box prior to any work. If there appears to be an existing leak on the customer owned portion of piping, staff will notify the customer before starting work. The property owner is responsible for all piping starting at the customer’s side of the meter, some of this piping may be in poor condition or at the end of its useful life and easily damaged. Rockwood Water staff will take extreme care not to damage the customer’s side of the service line, but it can occur. Staff will attempt to temporarily repair any damage caused during the meter upgrade and notify the customer. Any permanent repairs or replacement is the responsibility of the property owner.

For questions about AMI or meter installations, please visit or by contacting our Customer Service staff or AMI Project Management Team at 503-665-4179.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is AMI?
Advanced (Water) Metering Infrastructure (AMI) systems consist of a small, low-powered radio transmitter connected to each meter that sends readings to a network of receivers throughout the system. These receivers provide all relevant billing information and eliminate the need for water meter readers to visit your property on a regular basis.

Why AMI?
The many benefits of an AMI system outweigh purchasing traditional direct-read meters.

What are the benefits of the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) System?
The AMI system reduces operating costs for meter reading, billing and improves customer service. The direct benefits to the District and its customers include:
1. Highly accurate data collection which decreases the possibility of incorrect meter readings.
2. Timely information on water usage that allows District staff to provide better customer service, including the ability to remotely read meters on demand.
3. Timely identification of water leaks, which reduces wasted water and unnecessarily higher water bills caused by leaks.
4. Quicker and more efficient customer service, including initiating new accounts, closing existing accounts and addressing billing questions.
5. Reduce the need to estimate bills due to inclement weather

How does it work?
A small antenna connected to the water meter transmits a low-power radio signal to a data collector which relays the information to the District’s billing system, accessible only by District staff.

Are there any safety concerns associated with the new technology?
No. The equipment operates at a low-power radio frequency, comparable to a cordless telephone. All equipment operates in compliance with state and federal communication standards.

What information is transmitted, and is my account information secure?
The AMI system only transmits the water meter readings, the meter identification number and diagnostic information to verify the equipment is operating correctly. Personal customer information is not transmitted. For additional security, the data is encrypted and transmitted over a privately licensed radio frequency channel.

How will I know if my water bill is accurate?
The AMI system ensures that customers are billed based on their actual water consumption. District staff are alerted of unusual usage patterns, such as continuous flow, which may indicate a leak. These alerts will be investigated by our customer service staff to help reduce the risk of unnecessarily high water bills and/or unnoticed property damage.

Will I see an increase in my water bill?
You may see an increase in your bill because the new meters record consumption more accurately than the old meters. As water meters age, they tend to run slower and may not measure all the water going through them. Many of the water meters in the District are more than 20 years old and at the end of their functional life. Therefore, depending on the age and accuracy of your current meter, you may see an increase in your bill based on more accurate readings.

Do I need to be home when my water meter is being replaced?
No, you do not need to be home during replacement. However, we will knock or ring the doorbell in an attempt to contact each homeowner prior to meter replacement.

Will I still be able to read my own meter?
Yes. The meters we are installing look and function similar to your replaced meter. The numbers in white represent CCF (100 cubic feet), which is how you are billed. The red dial is a leak detector and will move clockwise when any water is flowing through the meter.

What other cities are currently using AMI?
AMI is currently being used by various cities and districts throughout the country. Some local entities include the cities of Gresham, Sandy, & Lake Oswego.

Where can I get more information about AMI?
For questions, call the District at 503-665-4179 or email .